23 August 2011

[Recipe] 羗葱蒸石班 / Steamed garoupa with spring onions and ginger

响英國有時都買到又平又好味嘅餸, 好似呢條石班, 只係£6, 足夠至三人吃, 如果係香港, 我一定買唔到, 一定被君.

Here is my way of how to steam fish:

1. Use a knife to remove the fish scales (coz the fishmonger always won't do it thoroughly)
2. Wash the fish and let it drain dry
3. Use a big wok, put in boiling water, lid on and wait till it boils again.
4. Meanwhile, prepare sliced ginger and spring onions.
5. Put a few spring onions to the dish, then the fish, and sprinkle the fish with a pinch of salt
6. When the water boils again, put in the fish and let it steams around 10 minutes (depends on the size of the fish).  And always check to see if the fish is thoroughly cook with a fork, stick it to the middle of the fish and to see if the fish meat falls off from the bones, if yes then it is cooked.  Never mind it will ruin the presentation because you can always cover it with the spring onions and ginger toppings :-)
7.  While u know there's still 2 or 3 minutes the fish will be cooked, use a small frying pan (or a milk pan would be perfect), put in 3 to 4 tbsp of oil, when the oil is hot enough, put in the ginger and spring onions, give it a bit of stir and cook for 1 minute, till u see they are sizzling.
8. When the fish is ready, you might notice there are lots of "juices" on the plate, so you might want to pour them away before topping the fish with the oil + spring onions + ginger dressing, finally add in 2 to 3 tbsp of soy sauce.  done !!!

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