2 August 2011

Lobster and razor clams hotpot

The next day after Japanese dine out, our 3 years wedding anniversary celebration continues, at home.   Here we have Lobster!!!   I have decided to have Lobster at home every year at our wedding anniversary, just an excuse for a treat :-p  Last year I made a lobster soup.   This year, we have decided to do a Hotpot, so no cooking work needed from me :-)

We bought this Lobster from Seewoo, very huge coz we asked for a big one, from Scotland.  It costs 38 pounds!!!  :-S  I know it is far too big for 2 people but again, Mr Chen insists :-S  I can't always say no everytime.  And then, he continues to ask for his fav razor clams!!!  and we bought a bundle of razor clams, I didnt count how many was there, but again, enough for 4 people :-S

At the end, we finished only half of the lobster, as I expected.  I put the rest to the freezer coz I feel I can't eat anymore in the next few days.  Same as the razor clams, we finished 1/3 of it only :-S    All go to the freezer so celebration dinner continues in few weeks time:  Lobster soup, and stir fried razor clams with chillies.  Watch this space!!!

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