2 August 2011

[Dine out in London] Sushi of Shiori

Ok I have decided to add in my dine out stories and bits and pieces of my daily life to this blog.

I have started to feel not very comfortable, to share these stories in FB.  Many people in FB now, are not really my friends.  I have "unfriend" many people recently.  My bottom line is, for anyone that I feel awkward to say Hi when bump in to each other on a street, I will just "unfriend" them.   and I really don't want to disclose too much of my personal life there coz people might not want to know what you doing what u eating etc...   However, I do want to share stories with my friends who really want to know what i m doing and feel happy to read my stories.

This homecooking is going to be "transformed" to be not only on homecooking.
From now on, I will add in my dine out stories here

To start with, here is a place called Sushi of Shiori which we went last Sat.   I have chosen this place to celebrate our 3 years wedding anniversary :-)

After being moved to London for 10 months, we never had a really proper Japanese dinner.   I mean, no offense, but i see those sushi selling type of places like Itsu, Yo Sushi,  are just like Genki or even P&S or Jusco in HK.  Yes here is a different world and I can't always compare it to HK.   Anyway, after a few research of food bloggers sites here, I found this place Sushi of Shiori.  Very good comments on their food quality or even some saying it is the best in London.  So I guess, we can at least getting value of money here for some honest food.

Well, it is actually a very small place.  The dinning experience was like sitting in "Subway" but we luckily got the "Bar table" seat which we can see the chef doing his "cooking".  We ordered their 6 course Omakase menu, which is a chef tasting menu, 40 pounds per person.   With this price, I can go to some Jap restaurant in IFC and had a really good treat with nice environment and excellent service.  But here I m in London,  40 pounds really is not a lot of money :-S.   So, we sat there, and we were the only customers in the restaurant at that time, though there were a few Japanese coming in to buy take away.

The place is spotlessly clean, which I love very much.  The service was OK, and the food was average in terms of HK's standard.  The food presentation was very standard Japanese.  There were quite a lot of different sashimi varieties.  However the fish wasn't really very fresh but I guess they have already done their best coz we are in London :-S 

I think this place is ok for a nice lunch or something less than 20 quid per person.
Again, if I am looking for a more expensive treat I would rather spend the money in HK where I can get really nice food and service and environment. 

We only had 2 green teas, at the end the bill was £98.  Oh god, what I can eat with £98 if I m in HK???   

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