27 June 2011

Grilled Lamb ribs / 烤羊肉肋骨

Lamb ribs, known as one of the "forgotten cuts" in here because they are less wanted, not the premium cut of the meat, and so they are cheaper...

but I think we Chinese people just love them!!!  the tenderness of the meat, with a bit of fat, full of lamb flavor!!! 

Again in Waitrose, I saw there were packs of lamb ribs "featured" in the promotional area, they are actually lamb breast cuts on the bones... I guess they are the ones we Hong Kong people used them to make 羊腩煲!!!

I have never seen them before in here!!!  So excited and I bought two packs of them, one here I grilled them last night.   Seasoned with salts and cumin and placed them on a baking rack, baked for 35 mins.  u see it is very healthy all fat and oil are drained!!!  for the other pack of lamb ribs, it is in freeze now, will probably make 羊腩煲 later on!!!!

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