5 July 2011

Sweet potato balls

When I was in Hong Kong I loved to eat Japanese potato croquettes (日式薯餅).   They have many different versions, curry & potatoes and pumpkin are my fav.

I want to make them here but I don't like to do deep fried cooking at home.  I just hate the mess, oil sticks to every where and the smell which never goes away.

I watched Rachel Allen the other day on TV, she coated chicken pieces with egg, flour and breadcrumbs, and baked them in the oven with a drizzle of oil on the baking tray.   She created the same crispy taste but without all the oil and the fuss.

So I tried that using sweet potatoes and made them as sweet potato balls.   It was very easy, just prepare the sweet potato mash, form them into ball shape, coated with flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs.   Add a bit of oil into the baking tray, place the balls in, then bake for 30 mins!!!  yum!!!

I know they look very ugly, but the technique does work!!! It makes a crispy coating without doing deep fried!!!  So I will do it again, in a nicer and small shape!!! :-)

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