16 July 2011


Was at friend's house last week, and they have ordered this dish "螞蟻上樹" from a Chinese take away.  Well it is not the typical Chinese take away for western people, it is a very authentic Chinese take away specialize in Northern Chinese dishes (at least to a HK people like me I see it this way).   I have seen this "螞蟻上樹" before on menus but I never ordered it coz I absolutely don't know what it is.  In English translation, the name will become "Ants on the tree" .   What a funny name!!!  Well my husband explained to me that mince are the "ants" and the vermicelli are the "trees"!!!!!  Basically it is stir fried vermicelli with mince and chillies bean sauce.  I love it very much.  I love everything with vermicelli!!!    OK with a bit of research from the Internet, I followed this recipe and made this at home last nite.  yum!!!

1 comment:

  1. this is also my top 10 favorite dish~~~



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