31 January 2011

My first homemade buttercream cake for Mr Chen's birthday

I know, the cake does not look nice. hahahaha
I wrote his chinese name on the cake!!!!!  i know it is weird!!!!  hahahah
Actually the cake is only 8 inches, not enough space to write happy birthday or his english name
and my handwriting is usually not good and i always write in big fonts.  so I guess putting his chinese name on the cake is kind of perfect :-D
anyway the cake tastes normal and perfectly eatable.
the buttercream tastes exactly like buttercream ( which is made of one and a half block of unsalted butter, with sugar and eggs), the sponge cake is moist and nice
though i know i should use strawberries to decorate the cake but Mr Chen insists he likes blueberries more and he wants apricot jam as the fillings :-S
anyway, this is my first homemake cake, everything is made by me from researching recipes from internet.   Not a cake that I made from attending bakery classes.
Again I know i need to work on food presentation.
I did use a spatula to even out the cream on the cake surface and around the side of the cake.  But I guess the texture of buttercream is harder than fresh cream, so the cake got its rough look :-)

Here are the recipes I used.

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