10 January 2011

House warming dinner for Mr Chen's friends in Nov 2010

It was back in Nov 2010 we hosted a dinner for Mr Chen's friends.
But I was too busy preparing the food so I forgot to take photos for each of them.
and it was my first time to cook for so many people and I didnt do it well :-S
again better next time and here was the menu for that nite
1) various M&S party snacks
2) 燒腩仔
3) 滷水雞翼雞蛋
4) 红烧牛肉土豆
5) 蝦
6) 凉拌木耳黄瓜
7) 麻酱菠菜
8) 清湯浸蝦干白菜粉丝

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