31 January 2011

Big chunky cod, baked with red onions, yellow peppers and penne in tomato sauce

After having far too much meat, Mr Chen suggested we should eat more fish.
He chosen a massive chunk of cod fillet in waitrose's fish counter, which I think the portion is big enough to feed a family of four.   
Usually I object everything he chose in supermarket (in his words), but I let him go this time because it was his birthday :-)

Thinking if i fry the fish in a pan, there is a very high chance the outside will get burnt but inside still raw.  So i decided to bake the fish.
In order to retain all the nice juices from the fish, I thinking I will put a bed of pasta underneath, which has been cooked with red onions and some yellow peppers in tomato sauce.

Here it is.  Amazingly delicious.  And we have finished all the fish.

So we have concluded having less meat can't make u any thinner and healthy.
The most important thing is having the right portion and the right balance of food.
Now Mr Chen knows how to shop the right portion of fish next time.  This is good.

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