14 September 2011

[Dine out in London] Tuli near London Bridge

After going to Thames festival, where supposing we can eat lots of street food, we ended up in a Chinese restaurant near London Bridge.  Ok Mr Chen does not like street food :-S

This restaurant is called Tuli.    This is a place suggested by one of Mr Chen's work colleagues.   As we still can't fix a time to go there together, so we decided we go there by ourselves.

The restaurant, is just a typical Chinese restaurant.  The interior, the setting, the decoration, everything is disappointing as usual.    Ok never mind.  As long as the food is good, then it is good.  However, as u can see the pictures above, they are not particularly good.  I would simply say, I will never go back there again.

I know we have ordered too much for two people.   Again it was all Mr Chen's fault.

First, the roast duck, we ordered half a roast duck, but it was just meat of a breast and a thigh.  This is NOT the way we eat roast duck.  Half is half with bones.  We are Chinese.   They should have told us in the first place if they serve roast duck in this way.  This is the way western people eat, not us.

Second, the deep fried pig's intestines.  Even though it is Mr Chen's fav, he can't finish it.  Too dry he said.

Third, Stir fried beef with Ho Fan in Satay sauce.  It was the best dish of the day.  I mean among the other dishes on our table.

Fourth is Ma Pao tofu, nothing special.

Fifth is Stir fry morning glory veg, nothing special.

Lastly, is Seabass cooked in Szechwan chill oil and spices.   It was not hot, not spicy, just not enough spices!!!

We only had tea, we didn't order any other drinks.  The bill ended up as £81.   What the hell!!!!

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