27 September 2011

[Dine out in Loch Lomond] The little cafe in Balloch Castle country park

Strictly speaking, this is not a dine out.  Just a small cafe in the Balloch castle country park, oh not a cafe coz there was no any seating area, it was just a small shop selling food.  And I had my very very very yummy roll and sausage, the crusty rolls that available only in Scotland.  Mr Chen had a not very exciting hotdog but a very scottish Irn Bru.  Apparently the bees in Balloch likes the Irn Bru very much, as soon as he moved his mouth away from the can, the bees will be there!!!    Eventually we need to use an iphone to cover the can in order to get rid of the bees!!!   Iphone can do everything!!!

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