14 September 2011

Beef madras curry , pakora, cucumber, garlic nan and rice

The beef madras curry is homemade, using madras powder mix.  Lots of onions, garlic and shallots added, and two potatoes and extra chillies.  Beef is from the lovely M&S.  But because their stew cuts are so lean which Mr Chen said he is really disappointed and ordering me never to buy those beef again :-S

The pakora is shop bought, from Asda.  12 pieces of onions and mix veg fillings, only £1, what a bargain!!!   Mr Chen was very excited coz he thought I deep fried food at home :-S   obviously I didn't, I just grilled them hahaha.    Again I hate oil!!!

The garlic nan is from Asda too.  Only 60p.  We had one piece each.   And I can even freeze two pieces in freezer, ready for our next curry meal :-)

With rice and cucumber, lots of coke and orange juice, a very satisfied curry meal which making us to work harder to lose weight, in the next meal :-S

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