30 September 2010

Marks & Spencer 燒腩仔 / Roasted pork belly

我想如果你見我响喥煎件牛扒羊扒咁, 真係冇乜新意
今日我出城, 在Oxford Street 嘅 Marks and Spencer 居然見到有燒腩仔賣, 對初到London嘅我, 簡直係大發現

我只係follow the instruction, 细火160C焗2+1/2 hours, 焗之前灑一大撮鹽响舊肉喥


Mussles in white wine sauce with asparagus

isn't it look beautiful?
it just took me 7 minutes to make it.
i bought the cooked mussles in white wine sauce pack from supermarket
first, boil the asparagus for 1 mins, then drain out the water
in a small pot, add in the asparagus, add in the mussles pack
lid closed and cook for 5 mins.

黃牙白豆腐, 又名白菜豆腐 / Tofu & chinese leaves

陳生的comfort food
燒鑊時最重要係放勁多diced garlic(e.g. 半球) 及少少蝦米
等菜差唔多熟時, 才放豆腐
留意不用放很多水去煮菜, 因為豆腐出水
最後加監糖, 少少老抽

去英國前的家庭聚會兼羅白羔學習之旅 / the family gathering and learning to make mooli cake

呢個係超好味羅白羔, 係嗰種又""又有羅白絲嘅texture, 由麗姑姐傳受, 等我真正安頓後, 執齊工具, 自己整一次成功嘅話, 就會给大家分享receip.

呢個亦係麗姑姐傳受, 清湯腩, 勁呀

當然仲有我呀媽煮嘅章魚節瓜煲豬骨湯呀, 雞呀,我最愛嘅薑熔呀, 蒸魚呀, 菜呀, 及我整嘅餃子啦!


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